Click here for Relaxation and Imagery Script for a Pitcher.
This CD has tons of details to help hitters find their calm and "win" the mental side of the game. Just over half of the almost 70 minutes of content inside is a guided imagery script for a 2-hole hitter in a big road game. However, the relaxation training, example power phrases, and notes about the thinking patterns used by great hitters adds significant value for high-level competitors.
Imagery is powerful. It has been known to cure “terminal” cancer and it is used systematically by professionals in every sport. It can help you learn new skills, rehearse strategy and techniques, gain confidence, commit to your plan, or communicate effectively from mind to muscle. It is also always available to you. The mind does not differentiate between an actual experience and a vividly imagined one, but that level of impact and vividness comes only from skill, which comes from practice. In this CD, Coach Traub guides the athlete through progressive relaxation, use of power phrases, and detailed imagery. The imagery script includes many concrete examples of how to apply mentally tough thinking patterns in common on-field situations.
1) Opening: Introducing Imagery (3:52)
2) Progressive Relaxation (14:35)
3) Hitter's Power Phrases (5:54)
4) Pre-Game Imagery (18:52)
5) In-Game Imagery (16:49)
6) Hitting Notes (8:35)
7) The Truth (4:11)
You can purchase Relaxation and Imagery Script for a Hitter separately for $25, but we suggest you get maximum value with:
The Baseball Champion's Complete Mental Game Plan
"Thank you for your tips on hitting! I got up to the plate today and I was relaxed and calm. I am a lot more confident!" -M.C., 17