Coach Traub's critically acclaimed book uses information from most of the greatest mental game baseball and non-baseball books ever written. He then combines this information with lessons gleaned from his 13 years coaching college baseball and 10 years as a mental skills coach. His organization of the material into an in-depth yet easy-to-read book "is a gift to athletes and coaches alike" (Coach Morales, Radford University Head Coach). The added motivational quotes and practical exercises, along with the baseball specificity throughout make this a book that every professional and aspiring professional baseball player - even non-readers - should read.
Leaders have clarity of vision, lead by example, connect with empathy, and take action to make their teammates better. They have thinking patterns that we can study and imitate. This book provides details and distinctions on what athletes already know so that they can more quickly get what they want from baseball. Coach Traub's primary sources (mentors) are John Wooden, Harvey Dorfman, and Tony Robbins.
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SMARTPHONE version. You can purchase the e-book, Leadership Training for Baseball, separately for $17.00, but we suggest you get maximum value for your team with:
The Baseball Champion's Complete Mental Game Plan
"I have always enjoyed Aaron’s insight into a players performance and now realize how important the mental and emotional side can be." -Don Slaught, 16-Yr MLB Veteran and Hitting Coach of 2006 AL Champion Detriot Tigers
"Leadership Training for Baseball is an important read for anyone who wants to really play the game." -Sam Carpenter, Dallas Mustangs Head Coach
"A superlative resource for any player looking to enhance his performance." -Scott Fletcher, 15-Yr MLB Veteran and current MLB coach